Hacking Music out of Digital Chaos
Elliot Williams
4000-series CMOS Logic ICs
Some Analog
Demos Galore and some Circuit Diagrams
(Musical Philosophy)
Bunch of notes...
that you expect,
but not too much.
Rhythm and Repetition
But also variety!
Does this have anything to do with CMOS ICs?
Tricks up my sleeve
Melody Generator ++
First sounds, then rhythm, then structure
Change resistance or capacitance
4051 Multiplexer switchable resistances
Octaves, divide by 2:
Binary counters
Divide by N:
4017 decade counter w/ reset
4051 mux again:
8 oscillators enter, only one leaves
Power on and off
Stall oscillator with diode
Rhythm is just pitch, slowed waaaaay down
Whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note...
Four on the floor
Invert outputs you care about
But keep the non-inverted too: backbeats
4017 makes pitches by division
One of eight outputs to reset through 4051 mux
Three digital lines into 4051 pick "note"
My twist: add some octaves with a 4040,
drive with SR
Control pitch / octave through
paired clock and data lines
Inject sequence into 4-bit shift registers
Feed clock / data with detuned oscillators
Tweak until "just right"
Tremendous room for playing around
Incorporate microcontroller, FPGA
Build standalone instruments
Priority encoders, shift registers, complex logic
Turn away from "music", embrace noise.
Logic Noise on Hackaday
Don Lancaster's CMOS Cookbook